Islamic Education

Muhayyu Din
3 min readJun 23, 2024


Islamic education is a practice or institution that strictly imparts Islamic beliefs and the rules governing Islamic teachings. Beyond the conveying of knowledge, the religion mentioned above plays a role in instilling moral and ethical standards, shaping identities, as well as Islamizing education.

Historical Context and Evolution:

It is a solid history of Islam in the history of Islamic education. The Crusade itself, initiated by the Prophet Muhamad, highlighted the value of knowledge as he encouraged Muslims to study so that they could understand their responsibilities towards their religion and nation. In earlier days, education was based on Islamic instructions and was held in mosques because mosques were the only established establishments. The emergence of madrasahs in the ninth century can also be regarded as a critical phase: madrasahs educate their students systematically and formally, offering primary education in various sciences, legal and theological, and explanation.

Components of Islamic Education:

The curriculum in traditional Islamic education encompasses a broad spectrum of subjects. The curriculum in conventional Islamic education includes a broad spectrum of subjects:

Quranic Studies: Known as ‘Qur’anic reading,’ this is central to Islamic education and entails memorization (hafiz) and interpretation (tafsir) of the Quran. Understanding the tarweed for the Quran recital and seeking knowledge about the Quran and how it applies to people’s lives is a significant element of the noble students’ learning process.

Hadith Studies: This subject is dedicated to the collection, categorization, and analysis of traditions dealing with the annotated prophet of Islam. The Hadith sciences are intricate and require a deep understanding of the context and application of the principles of Islam.

Fqih (Islamic Jurisprudence): Fqih, a fascinating branch of Islamic sciences, is comprehensive in its coverage of Islamic law. It guides Muslims in all aspects of life, from simple washings and prayers to complex business and interpersonal dealings. This is the unit where students get to put these laws into practice in various settings.

Modern Islamic Education:

In modern periods, Islamic education is still offered with other general subjects, also considered other Islamic sciences. Some of these Islamic schools make provision for secular education and provide education and regular subjects like mathematics, science, and language to equip their students with skills that will enable them to survive in the modern world but with solid Islamic beliefs. This model is evident in several learning facilities, from primary to university learning institutions.

Amid changes in contemporary Middle Eastern education, one notable innovation has been the creation of Islamic universities, including Al Izhar University in Egypt, International Islamic University in Malaysia, and the Islamic University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia. These institutions make it easy to acquire different programs whereby Islamic knowledge is blended with science, such as medicine, engineering, and social sciences.

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